The Paper Prototype was a way for us to do usability testing on our application on three key path scenarios, which was determined from the Information Architecture, without having a fully functional application. The low-fidelity interfaces were useful in that they allowed us to see how a user would navigate the app, and they were easy to alter from the feedback. The feedback was very useful, and we implemented these changes in our wireframes.
Evaluation Findings
We found that, from the paper prototypes, some of the interfaces were not user friendly. The placement of some features did not promote a natural process for users, and some icons were ambiguous. Additionally, the “Education” aspect of our app, which was within the “Growth and Tracking” section, proved difficult to find, and its placement within “Growth and Tracking” was not intuitive. Therefore, we decided to make another page just for education. This aspect was important enough to have its own page, and now it is easier to navigate to. These findings lead us to important alterations in our wireframes.